Zhi-De Deng, PhD
Engineer | Physicist | Brain Stimulation Researcher
Full-Time Awesome Person
Contact meDr. Deng is the Director of the Computational Neurostimulation Research Program within the Noninvasive Neuromodulation Unit at the National Institute of Mental Health Intramural Research Program. He earned the SB degree in physics, SB and MEng in electrical engineering and computer science, with a minor in economics, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He completed PhD and MPhil in electrical engineering, with a graduate concentration in neuroscience, at Columbia University. He completed postdoctoral training at Duke University, followed by a research fellowship at NIMH.
Dr. Deng's research focuses on three principal areas: 1) understanding the physics and biophysics of neurostimulation, 2) optimizing therapeutic dosing and individualization, and 3) advancing noninvasive brain stimulation technology development via model-driven design. His pivotal work in electric field modeling for transcranial magnetic stimulation is widely cited and provided evidence that informed regulatory clearance of TMS therapeutic systems. He has received the NIMH Director's Award for scientific innovation at the interface of computationa and psychiatry, as well as career development award from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences and NARSAD Young Investigator Award, which supported his pioneering efforts in developing next-generation seizure therapy. Dr. Deng is a Senior Member of the IEEE. His vision is to transform psychiatry through engineering innovation.
He has an Erdős number of 4 (who doesn't?). When not working at one of his three jobs, he's performing magic or hanging out with his pets—who, by the way, have their own Instagram page. Feel free to follow for updates. Or, you could do something productive with your life... but that's not recommended.
Modeling Tool
Modeling Tool
Simulation Method
Visual Search
ECT Modeling
TMS Technique
Online TMS
ECT Dosing
ECT Review
TMS Modeling Review
ECT Imaging
TMS Meta-Analysis
BMI and BD
TMS Modeling
Closed-loop tACS
TMS Modeling
TMS Modeling
ECT Imaging
TMS Modeling
ECT Modeling
Zhi presented on From models to medicine: Advancing precision neuromodulation through engineering.
Zhi presented at the IEEE Brain Discovery & Neurotechnology Workshop, University of Illinois, on A model-driven approach to personalized neuromodulation treatment.
Zhi presented on The full spectrum: Electromagnetic brain stimulation from minimal to maximal intensity.
Zhi presented at Organization for Human Brain Mapping annual meeting, on Characterizing hippocampal activation with magnetoencephalography using the mnemonic similarity task.
Zhi presented on Engineering precision in neuromodulation: Computational models to clinical applications.
Zhi presented at the International Symposium on Novel Neuromodulation Techniques for Neurocognitive Disorders, on Model driven brain stimulation treatments.
Zhi presented at the NIMH Placebo Workshop on Translational Research Domains and Key Questions, on Challenges and strategies in implementing effective sham stimulation for noninvasive brain stimulation trials.
Zhi presented at International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine annual meeting, panel on MRI of neuromodulation using TMS and FUS.
+1 301 594 0387
10 Center Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892